Everyday Militarisms: Lethal Entanglements

Caren Kaplan
American Studies
UC Davis

Everyday Militarisms: Lethal Entanglements brings together faculty and graduate students to converse across the fields of critical military and environmental studies. For many years the study of war and political violence took place mainly in political science, history, area studies, and international relations. The rise in interdisciplinary programs in women & gender, ethnic, cultural, and transnational American studies has contributed to the emergence of the field of “critical military studies” that includes scholarship on policing, security, and surveillance. The importance of making visible military origins or presence in environmental contexts cannot be understated. From pipeline protests in North Dakota to the proposed expansion of the US-Mexico wall to the effect of militarization on natural resources, the role of the military requires further study. Participants represent the humanities as well as the social sciences and share a commitment to feminist and critical race inquiries into militarism and environmental justice. This multi-day event includes work-in-progress workshops, field trips, a one-day symposium with a keynote speaker and intensive seminars. Outcomes include field formation, knowledge transfer, structured mentoring for graduate students and junior scholars, a journal special issue and other publication opportunities.