Feminist Politics in Korea and the Korean Diaspora

Ju Hui Han
Gender Studies
UC Los Angeles

Feminist Politics in Korea and the Korean Diaspora is a podcast series developed through a UCLA gender studies course. Twice a week, students participated in a public-facing conversation with a total of seventeen social justice activists and filmmakers about a range of topics, including queer and transgender politics, transnational adoption, prison abolition, migrant justice in Korea and the US, disability and reproductive justice, anti-imperialist activism, justice for “comfort women,” and conscientious objection to military service. Emphasized throughout the series is an intersectional feminist praxis that prioritizes local and transnational community building and embraces the transformative power of solidarity. The series, developed in partnership with an arts activist group called GYOPO, features six guests from South Korea and ten from the US, including four prominent Korean and Korean American filmmakers. Conversations were conducted in Korean, with English interpretation offered through live closed captions.