Keys to Voice

Nina Sun Eidsheim
UC Los Angeles

Annete Schlichter
English and Comparative Literature
UC Irvine

Basing their study in the notion of the embodied voice, this MRG examined the different fields of knowledge production and the possible transfer of knowledge across disciplinary borders within the emerging and inherently interdisciplinary field of “Voice Studies”. They did so through (1) articulating the ways in which various fields of voice research are constituted, clarifying methodological differences; (2) working towards the translation and potential transformation of knowledge production about voice; (3) developing the content of a multi-media publishing platform and an edited volume in order to provide “keys” to differing disciplinary approaches and make them easily accessible; and, lastly, (4) developing the material content for courses around the topic of voice. Their project aimed to foster an understanding of the different ideologies, epistemologies, and ontologies that frame investigations of the material production of voice. Their ultimate goal was to confront and re-imagine the frontiers of interdisciplinary voice research.