Humanists@Work San Diego

Feb 20, 2015
San Diego Central Library

Workshop Program

Stories from the Field

This panel of recent UC Humanities PhDs share their stories as humanists at work in the world—in government, educational consulting, public humanities program management, and university administration. Panelists engage in a conversation about the transition from the academy to other sites of work, reflecting upon the ways they integrated their doctoral training and experiences with their career interests.

Adam Lowenstein
Vice President of Counseling and Enrollment
Summa Education

Sarah McCullough
Associate Director
UC San Diego Humanities Center

Natalie Purcell
Program Director, Office of Patient Centered Care
San Francisco Medical Center

The Art of the Informational Interview

Dr. Behrens will introduce and examine critical tools for an “alt-ac” job search. The informational interview is a powerful tool for networking and gaining an insider perspective on careers and organizations. In this interactive session you will learn and practice the art of informational interviewing.

Debra Behrens, PhD
PhD Counselor
UC Berkeley

Exploring Options for Humanities PhDs

The focus of this session is upon connecting your interests and skills to career opportunities. This session will introduce career fields, emerging trends, and industry sectors relevant to humanities PhDs.

Debra Behrens, PhD
PhD Counselor
UC Berkeley

Don’t Call it a Template: Unraveling Your Résumé’s Purpose, Content, and Design

Fire up your laptop and bring your toughest questions. This three-hour training turns theory into practice, introducing ways to:

  • Research roles that might be an interesting fit for your expertise
  • Use discovery to identify and frame your experience and support your findings
  • Build unique content from starter copy
  • Design résumé elements that pull it all together

Jared’s individual clients wrestle through a question-based process over weeks and months, so this workshop won’t solve the puzzle in three hours. But it will “shake the tree” and equip you with the introspective processes, concepts, and hands-on practice needed to re-imagine your life’s work in a way that resonates beyond the academy.

Your experience is valued by someone. It’s your job to find them and make that value clear.

Jared Redick
The Résumé Studio

Theorizing Our Moment: A Conversation About Work and Graduate Experience

What was once a private practice has now become the topic of a very public conversation. How do we shape the conversation around humanists at work? Moderators will explore this topic in relationship to the day’s events.