UCHRI Director Position Now Open for Recruitment
Open date: March 7, 2025
Next review date: Monday, Apr 7, 2025
Final date: Monday, Jun 30, 2025
The University of California Humanities Research Institute (UCHRI), established in 1987, facilitates innovative interdisciplinary scholarship in the humanities through competitive grants and fellowships, collaborative research partnerships, conferences and workshops, and multi-campus initiatives across the UC system, nationally, and internationally. Located on the campus of the University of California, Irvine, UCHRI serves the entire UC system.
Under the leadership of its Director, UCHRI incubates scholarship and collaboration in areas of critical concern to the humanities, the humanistic social sciences, and the arts. Key to UCHRI’s work is a focus on creating dynamic multicampus engagements involving the campus humanities centers/institutes – the University of California Humanities Network – as well as individual faculty and graduate students across all ten campuses of the UC system, national and global partners in the humanities, foundations, and community-based partners.
The Director is appointed by the President of the University of California or designee for a renewable five-year term. The appointment is governed by the policies of the systemwide Academic Personnel Manual and systemwide guidance for Multicampus Research Units. As director of a Multicampus Research Unit, the Director reports both to the UC systemwide Vice President for Research and to the campus Vice Chancellor for Research at the host campus. The Director is a member of the Presidential Advisory Committee on Research in the Humanities (PACRH) which, per the UCHRI Bylaws, functions as the Steering Committee of the UCHRI.
The Director is a Faculty Administrator with a stipend and course relief. The Director maintains an academic appointment in an Academic Senate faculty position in an appropriate academic department. Applicants should be current UC faculty at the Full Professor level. The position is subject to all the rules, regulations, and requirements, including both regular administrative reviews and faculty merit reviews, represented by the University of California’s Academic Personnel Manual.
UCHRI’s Director oversees and is responsible for the operation of the Institute and its multiple programs and initiatives involving the 10 campuses. The Director has direct oversight of various research funds and programs for the humanities and is responsible for fundraising to support the Institute’s diverse and innovative programming. Supported by an endowment currently valued at roughly $20 million, UCHRI receives monies from various grant supported programs and receives significant support (some in-kind) from the UC Irvine campus, including space and facilities support. An additional subsidy from the Office of the President is guaranteed for a finite period of time so growing the endowment and generating external support from foundations, funding agencies, and philanthropy to support both UCHRI operations and programs is a key goal.
Advisory Search Committee
David Marshall, Chair, Executive Vice Chancellor & Professor of English and Comparative Literature (UCSB)
Pranav Anand, Professor of Linguistics (UCSC)
Brian Dolan, Professor, Humanities & Social Sciences (UCSF)
Nina Eidsheim, Professor, Musicology (UCLA)
Amelia Glaser, Professor of Literature (Russian, Ukrainian, and Yiddish) (UCSD)
Ignacio López-Calvo, Professor of Latin American Literature (UCM)
Tyrus Miller, Dean, School of Humanities & Professor, Art History (UCI)
Ellen Oliensis, Professor of Classical Languages and Literature (UCB)
Andrés Reséndez, Professor of History (UCD)
Daryle Williams, Dean, College of Humanities & Professor of History (UCR)