UCHRI Welcomes Gabriela Cázares

UCHRI would like to welcome Gabriela Cázares! Gabriela holds a PhD in literature from UC San Diego and comes to us to work as a postdoctoral scholar for our Horizons of the Humanities Project.

Throughout my career and PhD studies, I have been passionate about building bridges between academia and diverse communities and constituencies. My research uses the humanities to study US Latinx communities often left on the margins. This work sheds light on daily and long-term challenges faced by working-class communities of color—particularly access to higher education—that reflect national concerns/problems.

As part of my work at UCHRI, I have the privilege of working closely with UC faculty and administrators on issues linked to Horizons of the Humanities. In particular, this includes developing and coordinating a year-long UC-wide working group on diversity, a Voices of Diversity podcast, and large-scale public humanities projects focused on issues of race and class. My career and drive are fueled in part by my own experiences as a first-generation Latina from a working-class background. When I am not working in higher education, I enjoy the beauty of the outdoors and going on muggle adventures.