Born in San José, Costa Rica with familial roots in the pueblos of Palmichal and Tabarcia and the barrios of Desamparados and Barrio Naciones Unidas and raised in Whittier, California, Dr. Mario Alberto Obando (he/him/el) is honored to work in his intellectual home at California State University, Fullerton as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chicana and Chicano Studies. Dr. Obando’s poetry “Pleasure in the Last Gilded Age” on Central American desire was recently published in the most recent issue of Border-Lines: Journal of the Latino Research Center. His scholarship that centers the brilliant and urgent activism and knowledge production of CSU students has been published in Kalfou: Journal of Comparative and Relational Histories and will be published in the books Latinx Experiences: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, and Performance Matters Journal, Transformative Practice in Critical Media Literacy: Radical Democracy and Decolonized Pedagogy in Higher Education.