UC Underrepresented Scholars Fellowship, 2024-25


María del Rosario Acosta López
Hispanic Studies
UC Riverside

Anajli Arondekar
Feminist Studies
UC Santa Cruz

Nohora Arrieta Fernández
Spanish and Portuguese
UC Los Angeles

Cecilia Ayón
Public Policy
UC Riverside

Miroslava Chávez García
UC Santa Barbara

Kathleen Cruz
UC Davis

Robin Derby
UC Los Angeles

Daylet Dominguez
Spanish and Portuguese
UC Berkeley

Gina Garcia
UC Berkeley

Vernadette Gonzalez
Ethnic Studies
UC Berkeley

Kristy Guevara-Flanagan
Theater, Film & TV
UC Los Angeles

Bright Gyamfi
UC San Diego

Amanda Joyce Hall
UC Santa Barbara

Christoph Hanssmann
Gender, Sexuality, & Women's Studies
UC Davis

Cori Hayden
UC Berkeley

Gaye Theresa Johnson
Chicana/o Studies
UC Los Angeles

Ava Kim
Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies
UC Davis

Génesis Lara
Chicano/Latino Studies
UC Irvine

Mahaliah Little
Gender and Sexuality Studies
UC Irvine

Kristina Lovato
Social Welfare
UC Berkeley

Marissa López
English & Chicana/o Studies
UC Los Angeles

Marc Anthony Matera
UC Santa Cruz

Michael Moses
UC Riverside

Silpa Mukherjee
UC San Diego

Brenda Nicolas
Global and International Studies
UC Irvine

Justin Perez
Latin American and Latino Studies
UC Santa Cruz

Christofer Rodelo
Chicano/Latino Studies
UC Irvine

Juana María Rodriguez
Ethnic Studies & Gender and Sexuality Studies
UC Berkeley

Yehuda Sharim
Global Arts Studies Program
UC Merced

Mercedes Trigos
UC Irvine

This multi-year fellowship program is designed to build a network of underrepresented scholars for professional mentorship and development across the UC system. The program provides support to diverse junior scholars and mid-career faculty through a broad range of activities as they progress through the ranks. The aim is to build spaces of support, to share best practices and challenges, and to respond to unspoken expectations in the academy. Underrepresented academics across all registers and first-generation scholars often face unique obstacles to their professional advancement and often unrecognized potential to transformatively impact the university. Learn more about the Underrepresented Scholars program and keep an eye out for the next call for applications in the Fall.